Day 76/100: starting the coactive intermediate track with fulfillment, I feel buzzing with inspiration

Today was Day One of the Fulfillment module under Coactive coaching intermediate series – and I am feeling inspired to formally start my coaching development journey.

It felt uncertain to begin this path with a group of people I do not yet know, so it was serendipitious when two of my work partners happen to also be taking this module now. Wow, such a coincidence and coming together in life.

So today, we had the opportunity to coach one another in uncovering what our (draft) life purpose is, and what are some values that are central to our lives. And it was a fun and meaningful exercise indeed…

Coaching grows people. We help people learn more about who they really are.

Through the exercises, I discovered that: I am the friend / cheerleader / compassionate leader / coach that empowers others to serve the world. And this brought tears to my eyes; emotional response of resonance indeed.

Looking forward to learning more tomorrow in Day Two, and in coaching someone through a fulfillment process! Woohoo

Awareness Question: what value do I need to honor more fully to be living my Life Purpose?