Day 56/100: having my first experience with a meditation from the kundalini yoga tradition, I feel expansive and joyful and centered

Today, I had the experience of Kirtan Kriya – one of the many meditations from the path of Kundalini Yoga. It was facilitated by Derick, and was a blissful hour of being still with the synergy of mantra and mudra.

It was a beautiful process of coming back to presence in the connection with source.

Saa taa naa maa… touching the thumb gently to the tip of the index finger, and moving to the next finger with each word… starting with the spoken mantra, and progressing to whispers, and silent repetition… stillness and connectedness, a sparkling presence of source

Meditation is our key to staying rooted and connected to the now. It allows us to better BE, amidst all the frantic chaos that seems to be Life.

There was this energy flow; an energy that was both calming, soothing, grounding and yet also invigorating and energizing. It left me rather speechless (in a good way), and required me to continue grounding and taking it easy to come back to where I was.

Lookin forward to exploring and experiencing even more of Kundalini Yoga.

Awareness Question: how are you allowing yourself to be here now, amongst all the movement of life?

Day 51/100: doing a (almost) high-intensity workout, I feel recharged and centered

Today I got myself back to the gym and got on the cross trainer to do a fast, and high-intensity 20minute cardio burn. It was invigorating, and my heart pumped close to an heart attack. Hahaha

Through the workout, I got to work through some of the stresses of the work day, to release them more healthily through exercise. And I was able to let them go for the moment, experiencing a sense of flow as time just flew by with me working the machine.

Left arm, right arm, step step step. Push ahead and keep moving forward. Fight (with the beautiful view) and never look back.

Exercise is a workout for the body, and aids the detox of the mind and spirit as well. You see things from a higher (and sweatier) perspective – literally nothing sticks to you.

So i’m renewing my commitment to evoke greater vitality in my everyday life: mindful moments, deep breaths, clear mind, balanced emotions, conscious consumption, and invigorating exercise.

Awareness question: What does vitality mean to you? And, how do you manifest vitality in the respective areas of your life?