Day 58/100: a manic monday, and yet I feel reassured, calm, and productive

The workday today flew by effortlessly. It was like entering a flow state where there was challenge, there was engagement with my work, decisions that I struggled with initially to make, plans drawn and redrawn, and yet everything sort of fell into place perfectly by the end… leaving me feeling a sense of satisfaction.

I am learning and growing, and walking the path… for now 🙂

There will be good days through your journey – celebrate those, well.

There will also be not so good days through your journey – celebrate those, anyway.

And in line with working through my stuckness and uncertainty, I kicked my butt and procrastination to start #GaryVee’s udemy course on personal branding. Purchased about a month ago, and yet not started. Today I begin.

And a line he spoke called out to me: it’s not about that we all get to be successful in everything we want to do, it’s that we all get to create something.

Awareness Question: what will you create? How will you serve?